Happy First Birthday to TUL's science blog!

It has already been 12 months that the Blog of Lodz University of Technology - a new website for technology - has operated. 

The blog post published here either talk about TUL's scholars' research or comment on scientific news from around the world. As for the main themes and topics, they are interdisciplinary and tend to follow from the blog posts' authors interests as well as current events subject to public discussion. A majority of posts has been concerned with:

  • environment protection,

  • technologies,

  • medicine.


Throughout the year, the number of bloggers has been steadily growing and currently, it includes 27 researchers and students of Lodz University of Technology. So far, 45 articles have been published on the new website in two language versions: Polish and English.


The new website for technology has been driven by the need to disseminate knowledge and provide a reliable source of information presented in a way accessible for all. The readership has also been growing larger: more and more people have been visiting the blog written by Lodz University of Technology scientists. The highest number of readers are among the 18- to 24-year-olds (34.4%) and 25- to 34-year-olds (32.6%).


The following articles have been the most trending:


The Office for Promotion and External Communication is the blog editor , whereas the TUL's Multimedia Centre is the technical support services provider.