Lodz University of Technology Blog - a new technology website

Dissemination of scientific knowledge is at the core of the University's activity. Lodz University of Technology scientists blog about the results of their research and comment on global reports on many disciplines where new technologies are used.


The blog of Lodz University of Technology is intended as a communication platform for specialists in different fields. Drawing from their attainment, experience and intellectual capacity, Lodz University of Technology takes on more and more actions to introduce people to research done at the University's labs.


Technology is a broad concept. It is used by scientists but it is also widespread among industry workers or medical professionals, production workers as well as surgeons getting ready for a procedure, and microbiologists searching for new methods of mould identification.


But technology is also commonplace in the world of media. Commercials are ripe with sound bites about a new ironing technology that lets you iron your shirts to perfection, or washing powder that obliterates the toughest spots, or that the internal storage space of your smart phone memory has just got bigger. TV shows will let you know that thanks to scientific innovations cars will be safer, the internet faster and accessible even from the most remote of places.


And that is exactly what the blog of Lodz University of Technology is supposed to do for you: it will show you that science is part of every person's life. So read the blog to stay up to date with the latest technologies that improve your daily grind.