Graphene -honeycomb carbon for technologies of tomorrow

You may be reading this while sitting in your favourite armchair or riding a bus. Stop for one moment. Look around you ...   

Cars flashing by in a blur of color to disappear into the distance.

Cityscape of buildings and people, the latter engulfed in their smartphones. Just imagine, in 10 - 20 years most of the things you see today will be gone forever. And what will your own small world be like? Will you live in a fortress like the one in JP Delaney's book where you mind control everything and your smart home codes your emotional states and adjusts them to the weather? How will you travel around the town? Will levitation trains hover over the roofs of electric buses soundlessly streaking down the streets with contorted skyscrapers in the background? How will these vehicles, moving along air corridors rather than paved roads, be powered?

Still wondering? Or is your imagination conjuring up a totally different world? One thing is certain: our future reality is in the hands of engineer. It is also unquestionable that future technologies will be based on graphene structures.

Kolorowe auta, które tak szybko jak się pojawiają, znikają w oddali. 

Domy, które tworzą krajobraz miasta i ludzie wypełniający pozostałą przestrzeń, z przykutym wzrokiem do swoich smartfonów. 


Graphene – one carbon atom thick, its structure resembling honeycomb. A semiconductor it has unprecedented on Earth's electrical, optical, mechanical, and chemical properties.

Now, imagine ultrathin and flexible phones with graphene displays that can be rolled up or bent without the slightest risk of damage. Super high capacity batteries based on highly oriented graphene structures that you will be able to use for weeks without recharging. Based on graphene microprocessors, Artificial Intelligence surpassing that of a human being and nanorobots monitoring our physical condition - will this be the world where you will wake up to in a dozen or so years' time?

As I write these words, graphene - a material that is one atom thick, exhibits unprecedented properties, and, according to scientists, is going to revolutionize life as we know it - is produced at the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering of Lodz University of Technology.

Do you find it interesting? If so, join the creators of the 21st world. Visit our laboratories. You may want to stay for a while or for the rest of your life.