The Best Inter-University Scientific Publication on the Analysis of Lipid Profiles in Children Born with Low Birth Weight
The Best Inter-University Scientific Publication on the Analysis of Lipid Profiles in Children Born with Low Birth Weight
Tue, 03/26/2024 - 09:54
The rectors of Lodz University of Technology and the Medical University of Lodz have awarded for the third time a joint prize for the best scientific publication. The laureates of this distinction are the authors of the article "Lipid Profile in Children Born Small for Gestational Age", including: Dr. Justyna Zamojska (MUL), Dr. Katarzyna Niewiadomska-Jarosik (MUL), Dr. Beata Kierzkowska (MUL), Dr. Marta Gruca (MUL), Assoc. Prof. Agnieszka Wosiak, Ph.D. (TUL), Prof. Elżbieta Smolewska, Ph.D. (MUL).
Professor Wosiak explains the research topic:
dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Wosiak
fot. arch. prywatne
The work culminating in the publication "Lipid Profile in Children Born Small for Gestational Age" focuses on the analysis of lipid profiles of children born Small for Gestational Age (SGA) compared to children born appropriate for gestational age (AGA). The constructed models showed that SGA children have significantly higher levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and lower levels of HDL (high-density lipoprotein) compared to their AGA peers. Our results suggest that children born as SGA, even without overweight or obesity, may have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in adulthood, which underscores the need for early diagnosis and monitoring of their health.
The interdisciplinary collaboration opens new possibilities and brings measurable benefits to all involved parties. The researcher from Lodz University of Technology explains her participation:
My role in the team primarily focuses on using artificial intelligence methods and data analysis to develop predictive models that can support decision-making processes. Being involved in joint work allowed me to apply machine learning skills to solve real medical problems, contributing to the development of personalized therapies and a better understanding of diseases in children. Although the work requires numerous studies and experiments, it brings a lot of satisfaction.
The collaboration of this scientific team has been ongoing for several years, guided by the overarching goal of using knowledge from computer science and medicine to improve the diagnostic and therapeutic process, especially in the context of children. Prof. Wosiak, adds:
Our cooperation is an example that by combining forces from different fields, we can achieve more than working separately. The award is not only a confirmation of the value of our research but also a sign that we are moving in the right direction.
We believe that our work opens new possibilities, and its effects will contribute to improving the health and future of our children.
The 2022 competition winners were a team consisting of, from TUL: Dr. Radosław Bonikowski, TUL Prof., from MUL: Prof. Przemysław Lewkowicz, Ph.D., Dr. Natalia Lewkowicz, MUL Prof., Dr. Magdalena Namiecińska, Ph.D., Dr. Paweł Piątek, Ph.D. They are the authors of the article titled "Natural fish oil improves the differentiation and maturation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells to oligodendrocytes in vitro after interaction with the blood–brain barrier".
In 2021, 2 publications were recognized. The article "The Preeclamptic Environment Promotes the Activation of Transcription Factor" was created by, from TUL: Dr. Eng. Bartosz Sakowicz, from MUL: Dr. Agata Sakowicz, Michalina Bralewska, Dominika E. Habrowska-Górczyńska, Prof. Agnieszka W. Piastowska-Ciesielska, Ph.D., Dr. Tadeusz Pietrucha, Ph.D.
The award was also given to the authors of the publication "Cytotoxic Activity against A549 Human Lung Cancer Cells and ADMET Analysis of New Pyrazole Derivatives". From TUL were Dr. Agnieszka Czylkowska, Ph.D., TUL Prof., Dr. Małgorzata Szczesio, Ph.D., TUL Prof., Eng. Anita Raducka, Eng. Bartłomiej Rogalewicz, from MUL: Dr. Paweł Kręcisz, Ph.D. in Pharmacy, Dr. Kamila Czarnecka, Ph.D. in Pharmacy, Prof. Paweł Szymański, Ph.D. in Pharmacy.