Stałe katalizatory, często materiały w nanoskali, są sercem wielu technologii. Dzięki swojej unikalnej strukturze odgrywają kluczową rolę w przyspieszaniu reakcji chemicznych, co jest niezbędne w procesach przemysłowych, takich jak produkcja paliw, chemikaliów, leków oraz w ochronie środowiska.
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Mon, 10/29/2018 - 07:20
Grab my hand and I'll take you on a journey into the future. You'll see a world that no one has touched yet. Or we could create it together... We'll design it so it is entirely consistent with the laws of nature. Sounds complicated? Let’s give it a try!
Tue, 04/03/2018 - 13:48
In my previous post, I blogged about the challenges facing higher education due to the accelerated rate of technology advancement. Today, I will discuss how fast the growth of human knowledge is.
Sun, 11/05/2017 - 12:43
How do you imagine the academia in 30 years' time? I asked this question to panelists during the 2017 Innoshare conference, a record of which is available here. The panelists were in agreement - universities are in for a major change.
Sat, 11/04/2017 - 13:23
Humans have always been fascinated with space. Haven't you wondered when star gazing at night what mysteries the most remote regions of the Universe hold? Is there somewhere a planet like our own? What creatures inhabit planets that are nothing like Earth?