The year 2024 is behind us, and it is time to assess the situation and look at the outlook for 2025.
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Wed, 08/02/2023 - 14:03
There are two causes of fires at waste collection sites: external and internal. External - that is, the import of waste into Poland, and internal is the imbalanced needs of demand for waste disposal with the supply of facilities where this can be done, plus, of course, in both cases, the desire for a quick and large profit. Both causes are not a new matter, both have their roots in the relatively liberal EU law, which, in addition, in our country was applied very gently.
Fri, 07/28/2023 - 09:03
Every few years, like a boomerang, the topic of nuclear power and the construction of nuclear-based power units returns to public discussion. Due to the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine, and the consequent cessation of oil and natural gas imports from Russia, the topic of NPP has become a priority in the context of Poland's energy security.
Wed, 07/19/2023 - 09:18
We have proposed an innovative mix for the manufacture of packaging, which consists of up to 80% pomace, with the rest of the additives being natural, cereal products.
Mon, 07/17/2023 - 14:25
While atmospheric and soil drought disappear relatively quickly, even after small rainfall, hydrological drought usually lasts much longer and may cover several hydrological seasons, and the process of rebuilding water resources requires heavy and prolonged rainfall or snowfall.
Wed, 01/25/2023 - 13:03
Nowadays, people are paying much more attention to where ingredients come from and how they are processed. They expect ethical and sustainable practices from producers. With technology providing instant access to information beyond the product label, consumer demands for greater transparency about organic claims, ingredients and processes will continue to grow. Clear, easy-to-understand definitions of terms such as 'natural' and 'organic' would make it much easier to meet these expectations.
Fri, 10/02/2020 - 09:29
Access to sources of clean, healthy water is a prerequisite for the survival of any civilization and any human being, as well as any living organism. The role of water in human life cannot be overestimated, which is why a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly states that "the right to safe, clean drinking water and sanitation is a necessary right to enjoy life and human rights to the full".
Fri, 07/03/2020 - 10:09
The modern world is swamped with polymeric materials; there is hardly a single area of life where they aren't used.
Fri, 03/15/2019 - 08:10
Polymers are a great discovery of the 20th century, which has been acknowledged by the many global prizes and awards. Why have they taken the global economy by storm?
Tue, 06/12/2018 - 12:33
I am talking about hydrocarbon fuel made out of carbon dioxide captured directly from air, which makes it possible to kill two birds with one stone: to get rid of the CO2 that so many of us love to hate, and second, to make fuel that is environmentally-friendly as it is not obtained from oil but from one of the greenhouse gases.
Fri, 11/24/2017 - 14:25
It may seem incongruous that on a planet where water covers 72% of its surface people should be dying from its shortage. The primary reason for that is that 97% of Earth's water is sea and ocean water that has a significant degree of salinity and is unfit for direct human consumption.