environmental protection

Lodz University of Technology has joined the UN-supported initiative "Race to Zero". This global campaign brings together enterprises, cities, as well as institutions from the education, finance and healthcare sectors, whose common goal is to create and implement transparent action plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in accordance with the Paris Agreement.
By introducing new products, which contain numerous chemical compounds, manufacturers are increasingly contributing to environmental pollution. If we continue to do so, there may be a drastic imbalance in the gender balance and, as a consequence, even the scenario of Sexmission by Juliusz Machulski may be fulfilled.

Access to sources of clean, healthy water is a prerequisite for the survival of any civilization and any human being, as well as any living organism. The role of water in human life cannot be overestimated, which is why a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly states that "the right to safe, clean drinking water and sanitation is a necessary right to enjoy life and human rights to the full".