By introducing new products, which contain numerous chemical compounds, manufacturers are increasingly contributing to environmental pollution. If we continue to do so, there may be a drastic imbalance in the gender balance and, as a consequence, even the scenario of Sexmission by Juliusz Machulski may be fulfilled.
Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna are winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry. They were honoured for the ground-breaking discovery of the CRISPR-Cas9 system, now widely used as a genomic editing tool that has revolutionized medicine. After the decision of the Nobel Committee had been announced, Charpentier noted that this success was possible thanks to, inter alia, dr. Krzysztof Chyliński, co-discoverer of the family of patents describing the use of CRISPR / Cas9.

Access to sources of clean, healthy water is a prerequisite for the survival of any civilization and any human being, as well as any living organism. The role of water in human life cannot be overestimated, which is why a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly states that "the right to safe, clean drinking water and sanitation is a necessary right to enjoy life and human rights to the full".

Surely, there have been many a time when you had to deal with a situation where you had no access to electricity and your mobile phone had gone dead. Naturally, the market offers power banks galore to save you from such emergencies, yet we often fail to remember to carry them with us. Besides, they are heavy, unwieldy, and also harmful to the environment.

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